Welcome to the Wedding Biz Academy
Wedding Biz Academy
Wedding Biz Academy

Welcome to the Wedding Biz Academy, I’m grateful that you’re here and that you’ve entrusted your business future to me. We’re going to have a great time – I want this to be so much fun and hopefully you’ll learn something new – even it’s only one thing – which you can take into your life and create positive change.

My own Mentor and Coach always says “the transformation is in the transaction” and that is so true.

The first thing I want to mention, before going any further is that this is a very ‘exercise’ driven program. Over the next few weeks, there is going to be times when you’re going to have to watch the replay (which will be available to you soon after the live), pause and do the work. Many people (I used be one of them) like to get in and get it done and tick that box! But if you don’t actually practice what I’m delivering, then nothing is going to change. And that’s not why we’re here.

Another thing, is that while we’re all in here together, don’t get distracted by ‘side conversations’ in the chat. We’ll be doing Q&As after each lesson – so save your discussions for then. But please, if you have questions, write them down in your workbook and we’ll cover that afterwards. I’m here to make sure you’re comfortable and getting the most out of our time, together.

So let’s get into it.