Introducing the

Wedding Biz Academy

Limited Edition Beta Launch

Your Ultimate Solution to Reclaiming Your Life and Finding Balance in Your Photography Business!

Are you a wedding photographer who's had enough of burning the midnight oil, trying to juggle between editing, emails, and endless to-do lists? We know the struggle is real, but fret not because you're about to discover a game-changing solution!

Picture this, you've just captured a breathtaking shot of the bride and groom exchanging vows, and you know it will be a masterpiece. But instead of savouring that moment, you find yourself stuck behind a computer screen, drowning in a sea of raw image files waiting to be edited. The stress builds up, and the rest of your life starts slipping away - your family time, hobbies, and even your sanity.

We've been there, and we understand your pain. But we found a way out and are here to share it with you. Are you ready to transform your photography business?


Exercise-Driven Training: Get ready for an interactive and exercisedriven learning experience. Active participation is key to maximizing your growth and potential.

Transformation-focused: We emphasize the importance of transformational growth to bring about positive change in your photography business. It's time to unleash your full potential.

Engage Effectively: We'll guide you on how to engage effectively with the training material, ensuring that you make the most out of every lesson and activity.

The Instructor's Personal Story: Learn from the valuable experiences of our instructor, who'll share her background and journey to inspire and motivate you.

The Significance of Being a Wedding Photographer: In the current times, particularly considering the challenges posed by the pandemic, we'll explore the unique opportunities and importance of being a wedding photographer and entrepreneur.

A Roadmap to Success: Our comprehensive training will cover a roadmap designed to take you from mindset and goal setting to enhancing productivity, understanding your clients, pricing your services, and optimizing and automating your business.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Identify and address any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving the success you truly deserve.


We understand the value of hands-on experience, and that's why we're opening up exclusive slots for the Beta Launch. By joining us during this phase, you'll have the unique opportunity to:

  • Experience Pre-Launch Content: Get early access to select modules and dive into the core principles of our curriculum, setting the stage for your success.
  • Provide Feedback:: Your input matters! As a beta participant, you'll have a chance to shape the final course by sharing your thoughts, suggestions, and insights.
  • Connect with a Community: Engage with like-minded photographers in our private beta community, fostering lasting relationships and collaborative opportunities.
  • Unlock Special Benefits: As a token of appreciation for your commitment, beta participants will receive exclusive bonuses and discounts.


$27 $297

The Wedding Biz Academy Beta Launch has limited slots available, and they're filling up quickly. Don't miss this unparalleled chance to unleash your photography potential and join the ranks of successful wedding photographers who've undergone our acclaimed training.

Mark your calendar: August 14th - 18th, 2023

Location: Online, accessible from anywhere in the world!

Reserve your spot now and let's embark on a journey of growth, creativity, and unparalleled success! Together, we'll make your wedding photography business shine like never before.


"Hello, hello. My name is Kristen, and I'm a Wedding Photographer who has been in the industry for over ten years. But while Wedding Photography is my passion and my joy, I've worked full-time in corporate jobs for more than 25 years, and business is in my blood and has, over time, become my superpower."

Kristen's journey has been one of constant improvement and innovation. Her career in various industries, from Banking and Finance to the Resources Industry, equipped her with the invaluable skill of streamlining processes and creating systems. She quirkily describes herself as inherently lazy, but this quality helped her achieve more and find a better work-life balance.

"Once I started photographing Weddings in 2011 (in my spare time), however, I quickly realized I needed a system of my own - because I was drowning in enquiries and editing and had zero time for building my social media. Thankfully, all my weddings at that time were referrals and word of mouth - but most of my weekends, afternoons, and nights were spent in front of my computer trying to get those Weddings delivered to my beautiful couples."

It was a turning point in 2016 when Kristen discovered the power of outsourcing editing. This revolutionary moment allowed her to spend more time with family and friends and prompted her to redesign her business model. She included outsourcing costs in her price list and embraced the freedom and efficiency this brought to her photography journey.

"During that period, I was still working full-time in my corporate job until, in 2019, I was made redundant and told I was no longer required. What was even worse, was that my husband - who worked for the same Company- was told he was gone, too. To add insult to injury - the Company placed conditions on our redundancy payments, and we had to stay for three months to train our successors at Head Office to do our jobs."

This unexpected turn of events became a catalyst for Kristen to take control of her destiny. The tug to help people grow their businesses and find success grew stronger and stronger. That's when Wedding Biz Academy was born, and Kristen couldn't be happier or more excited.

"That's when Wedding Biz Academy was born, and I couldn't be happier and more excited. I finally get to live the life of my dreams - coaching and guiding these amazing Wedding Professionals by providing the almost 'done for you' systems and support to create their own dream lives."

Kristen's story is a testament to the power of embracing change and taking charge of one's destiny. Now, she's dedicated to helping wedding photographers like YOU achieve the work-life balance you deserve.

Your Ultimate Solution to Reclaiming Your Life and Finding Balance in Your Photography Business!



What’s your why? The importance of Mindset

“What is your why” is all about drilling down on the primary reason you decided to become a Wedding Photographer and start your own business. Todays all about establishing how you can better serve your clients. We are getting back to the basics, tear down the old building – all the way back to those solid foundations – so we can build something new and fabulous.


Nail your Niche. Who’s your tribe?

The importance of nailing your Niche is defining the genre that you want to work in and the person you want to work with, allowing you to better serve your demographic and provide an excellent client experience. Second gear is designed to decide who your ideal client is and how to speak to that person in business marketing.


Pricing You and Your Services

To be successful in any business – it’s important to price yourself and your expertise based on your time, effort, and the current market. And like any business, there are overheads to consider. So if you want to be profitable and earn what you’re worth, doing what you love – there is a simple and easy way to make sure you’re making money, rather than losing it.


Making Budgeting Fun

Budgets are a necessary evil in any business and without one, you have no direction and are unable to establish whether you are running a profitable business, or not.


Letting Go of the Busy

This module is all about working out what is taking the most time in your business, so that you can identify what you need to automate or outsource. Many Wedding Entrepreneurs will struggle with this. Why? Because we have trouble letting go. Nobody can do it as well as us, or we have the opinion that if someone else does it, it’s no longer our business. We will show you the way to change all that.


Wicked Workflows

A workflow is like a step-by-step plan that helps us organize and manage our work effectively. It's important because it makes our tasks easier and helps us get things done in a better way. In this module, you’ll get MY exact workflow for you to create your own path to FREEDOM!


Yes, you read that right!

We believe in the power of this course, and we're confident it will transform your life and business. If, for any reason, you're not satisfied with the results after implementing the strategies, let us know within 30 days, and we'll issue a FULL refund - no questions asked.


Exciting Workbook to Help You Learn Better in our WBA Beta launch-6 Week Photography Course!

Up to 300 images free for Color Correction and 500 Images for Culling

1 month social media management like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn (14 post/Month (12 creative and 2 video)

The Canva Price List and Canva templates. Get Free Email templates to communicate with your clients


What topics will be covered in the course?

During the course, we will cover essential aspects of running a successful photography business, including mindset, principles, and fundamentals of running a photography business in any genre. Additionally, we will explore goal setting, productivity, knowing your client, nailing your niche, pricing your services, and optimizing and automating your business.

How is the course structured?

The course is divided into 6 weeks. In the first week, we will discuss mindset, principles, and fundamentals of running a photography business, along with goal setting and proper productivity. Week two will focus on knowing your client and nailing your niche, including building your avatar and crafting compelling offers and messaging. Week three will cover pricing your services, identifying your current financial position, setting financial goals, and implementing incremental pricing strategies. Finally, in week four, we will delve into optimizing and automating your business through identifying repetitive tasks, workflow analysis, outsourcing, and building an efficient team.

Is this course suitable for photographers in any genre?

Yes, absolutely! The principles and strategies discussed in the course are applicable to photographers in any genre, allowing you to adapt them to your specific business needs and market.

How will the course help me earn what I'm worth?

The course will equip you with the knowledge and tools to better understand your numbers and pricing structure. By identifying where you are, where you want to be, and trimming unnecessary expenses, you will be able to price your services more accurately and incrementally increase your earnings without alienating your clients.

Will I learn how to optimize and automate my business?

Yes, week four will be dedicated to optimizing and automating your photography business. You will learn how to identify and document repetitive tasks, analyze your workflow, and explore the value of outsourcing. Additionally, we will cover finding the right team and effective delegation to improve efficiency and productivity.

Can I ask questions or seek clarifications during the course?

Absolutely! We encourage active participation and learning. You can write down any questions you have in your workbook, and we will address them during the Q&A sessions.

How long is each week's content?

To keep the course concise and focused, each week's content will be presented in a manageable manner. We understand your time is valuable, and we aim to deliver valuable insights without overwhelming you.

Will I have access to course materials after the four weeks?

Yes, you will have access to the course materials even after the four weeks have concluded. You can refer back to the content whenever you need to refresh your knowledge or implement the strategies in your business.

Is this course suitable for photographers at any stage of their career?

Yes, whether you are just starting or have been in the photography business for a while, this course will provide valuable insights and strategies to elevate your business to new heights.

How can I make the most of this course?

To make the most of the course, we recommend actively participating in the exercises, implementing the lessons learned, and engaging in discussions during the Q&A sessions. This will enable you to customize the strategies for your photography business and achieve positive changes in your professional life.

© Copyright 2023 | Kristen Clapham | All Rights Reserved